
This is a paraphrase & ad-lib from something I read. It starts out with the author talking about a missions trip & witnessing lepers, people of all ages with AIDS, unbelievable poverty etc.


Let’s look honestly here at home too – “Untouchables” are everywhere – crippled by their own poor choices & sometimes the choices of another, broken & lonely, spiritually destitute & emotionally desperate, separated from God because they don’t understand who He really is. (Many times, I believe, because we have given them the wrong idea..) Others are men and women who have crashed & burned in a sea of moral failure or human indictment. Friends & family members stumble along in crudely made carts of greed & discontent. Instead of reaching out to those who so desperately need to be reminded of God’s grace & mercy, we have relegated them to a place of judgment with no hope of restoration. I can assure you that no such place exists in the Kingdom or God. God is all about restoration & healing.

(I know that firsthand…)

If we are brutally honest, there are times when we do not want to see the untouchables. We don’t want to touch them or get involved in their “nasty” lives. We are exhausted. It takes a lot of energy to wear the right mask for the right audience in the right place & at the right time. Our hearts are scarred & calloused from fighting the wrong enemy. All we really want to do is slip into a numbing & deadly sleep, hoping that when we wake, someone will have cleaned up the mess & we won’t have to.


I pray we all begin to notice more & reach out to those who seem to be unlovable & touch those broken people who wait, longing for hope & healing. Humility & love are the best accessories to wear when we do. People can smell judgment & they will run. Don’t chase them away.

Much love y’all,

Bonnie ❤️

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